Thursday 16 May 2013

Three advert - the pony

This advert for the moblie phone company, three, has used a linear structure as there is a begining, a middle and a end to the advert, although really theres no real stucture to whats on screen as its very random. It has an anti-realist narrative to the ad, as its not everyday you walk past a field and see a moonwalking pony! At the moment the advert is a stand alone ad but I think they could possibly develop on the idea if the company wanted and make it into a series. The style of the advert is based all around the humour of the dancing pony and the funny image it creates, its also very surreal which helps create the humourous effect to it. At the end of the advert they have used the slogan 'Silly stuff. It matters.' which is like a conclusion to the advert as it links the whole advert in with the company. They've used natural non-artifical lighting during the advert, showing it gradually turning from the morning into the evening around the pony. For the music they have used a quite well known song byt fleetwood mac, which works really well as it looks like the pony is dancing along to this song. For the Editing and Graphic they have used CGI for this advert, which creates the 'real' look to the pony when its dancing, which is really effective. They've used special effects by computer generating this dancing horse. A advert that has used a similar surreal style throughout their advert is elites, they have used a baby doing the famous 'gangnam style' dance, which ovbiously wouldnt happen in real life which is why it is surreal and humourous, they will have used speical effects in the editing process of this advert to create the moving image of the baby dancing. Here is the advert:

In this advert it starts off as a 'hidden message' as there is no link to any product being advertised, so you could actually cut the start of the advert and use it for any company really, but at the end of the advert it becomes an Overt message as it links the company in with the advert. How they have used the CGI to edit the advert and make it look so quirky, it really catches the publics attention and makes them remember it as it stands out. It also gets the public talking about it, espically on social networks after they created their own personal hashtag for it on the popular site, Twitter. They have probably seen how big social networking has gotten recently and used it to their own advantage in advertising. Also the general public love cute/cool animals, its always on the most viewed bit on youtube's channel so they also might have used this to their advantage too. The advert is promoting the company as a whole rather than a specific phone. They have used the lyrics 'I want to be with you everywhere' this could again link in with the social media side as on smart phones these days you can get access to social networking sites from pretty much anywhere!
I think the target audiance for this advert is actually quite wide as it'll appeal to the younger audiance as they will love the idea of a dancing pony whereas the older audiance will know the music and find the fact that a pony is dancing along to it is quite amusing. It is also targetted at anyone who uses the soical networking sites as thats what they're trying to put across in their message. It'll interest youtubers who are into their 'silly videos/photos'.
People have actually editted the footage and played around with it themselves, creating their own verisons of the dancing pony, this is getting the audiacne involved with the advert and also the company as people will recongise the pony with the company too, helping the companys name get spread over the internet even more so.

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