Tuesday 28 May 2013


Do you like the idea of involving celebrities in adverts of your high street products?
3 people said no
7 people said yes

Has an advert even influenced you into buying a product before?
5 people said yes
5 people said no

Would you prefer an advert which is informational or a humorous advert with irreverent content?
9 people said humorous advert
1 person said informational
What would you say makes an advert memorable?
4 people said something that's funny and will make you watch it
4 people said something that gets your personal interests involved - maybe hobbies, celebs etc
2 people said a well sold product.
Would you say slogans are important in an advert?
6 people said yes
4 people said no


In the Innocent Orange Juice advert, it involves an over voice from famous presenter Harry Hill with a clip of a fish, would you say that this advert is effective in a way that it would catch your attention?
9 - people said yes because it humorous
1- person said no it didn't appeal to them


In the pony advert for the company Three, would you get involved in the social networking hash tags that they have advertised on their advert?

8- people said yes as they enjoyed the advert that much
2- people said no as their twitter is their personal space.

I handed this Questionnaire to 10 people as I felt that this was a good amount of people to get a variation of responses from, giving different views and opinions. The charts helped me get a better understanding of what the audiences really think about adverts and what they expect to see when viewing adverts. There are some opinions I agree on and others no so much, which is good as it shows variation in the responses, its good to get responses as the most important rule for a TV advert is to make it memorable and successful with your target audience, so it shows if they have achieved this or not. I think an important result I got from the questionnaire is the fact the people refer to see a humorous advert rather than a information one and that the best way to get their attention is to use humour or something that they actually personally would be interested in.


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