Thursday 16 May 2013

Pepsi advert

Pepsi advert has a linear structure to it, as there is a start, middle and end. It is also a stand alone advert as they always create different types of adverts to advertise their company, they usually use different celebrities to get involved with their company, but they have produced a vase variety of styles of adverts. The advert starts off with beyonce training and then getting some Pepsi, but after the Pepsi she seems to get a whole new release of energy, and starts to dance again, all of a sudden there are loads of Beyonce's around her and their all from different time periods - different outfits/hair etc-, doing all of her well known dances, such as the famous single ladies dance, in which the Beyonce is wearing the same outfit she wore in the music video. There is a surreal style to this advert as one sip of a drink wouldn't give you that much energy, as shown in the advert, there also wouldn't be ten Beyonce's dancing around at one time. They have used camera and lighting techniques to create this ad, using different angles to capture different movements. They have used sound by using her song Grown woman, which hasn't been officially released yet so its also good advertising for her song. They will have edited editing and special effect to capture all of the beyonces in one shot and also the breaking of the mirror part as they wouldn't of really had broken glass around her so this would have used special effects and edited in but these all have a result of very effective out comes and looks very realistic. The editing done in this advert is very strong and has finished with a brilliant result, the shots are quite fast paced and have combined footage together to get this result. They have used a varitey of angles when filming, this keeps the pace of her dancing up and its constantly cutting across shots and makes it more interesting for the viewer. They have used close ups on certain actions, such as her opening the Pepsi can, this draws attention to the action and the product which is the sole reason for the advert.
The have used both hidden and overt messages in this advert as shes very to the point when she's saying to 'live your life' and 'drink pepsi' etc but the hidden message is that with all of these different Beyonces around, its saying Pepsi has always been her 'pick up' throughout her career and look how far she has come, it almost saying it will help you succeed. Beyonce is very popular in this day and age, and fan will copy things that she does, therefor the company will benefit from this. Its also showing how refreshing the drink is, she gives out a 'ahhh' after drinking some, this is using her expression to sell the drink. People want to be like Beyonce and they have used her well known dance routines in this advert so people want to be able to relate to that. The whole thing is very Beyonce orientated and even the song is very current and well known.
An company that has done a very similar style of celebrity endorsement is H&M for this years summer wear, in their advert they have used Beyonce to advertise their summer collect, again using similar techniques that Pepsi has to involve Beyonce with their brand. Again this advert is very Beyonce orientated, proving the popularity Beyonce has over the general public.

The advert is directed for females as all females love Beyonce and her music, many will idolise her and what she does, they will respect the brand just because she does. It will also apply to males as they will be attracted to her, she is very popular with the younger generation too, her music is always over the charts and she is very current, the public love that. They've also tied in the lyrics with the target audience, being as the song is 'Grown woman' and Pepsi want them too drink it too.
The company's slogan is 'Embrance your past, but live for now' , in a way they're saying 'live for now' and use pepsi to get energy so you can take full advantage of your day. They have picked one of the most popular and idolised celebrities of today to promote their brand, they'll benefit from this a lot.

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