Thursday 16 May 2013

Innocent orange juice advert

The structure to the advert is linear as it does have a beginning, a middle and an end to it, it has an anti realise narrative to the advert as they have used a talking fish in the advert, which isn't really what your everyday pet does. They have used stop frame animation to get the orange juice look like it comes walking in, it is also a stand alone advert as they release different adverts every time. It starts off by describing and selling the product to you, saying about how good it looks and tastes whilst showing you on screen, it then goes onto the fish - over voiced by harry hill- which brings humour into the advert and then goes back to selling the product again, showing all of the 'pros' of the advert. The fish featured in the advert has no real relevance to the product or company, and is used for entertainment purposes only. They have used the surreal style to create the humorous footage of the fish 'talking'. To create this advert they have used camera techniques such as the frame animation and also used sounds by using over voices and diegetic sounds features throughout the advert, such as the trumpet sound which also adds to the humorous side of things. They haven't used any bedding music or beats to the advert only Harry Hill's over voice.
The message is very overt in this advert as they start off very to the point, of what the product is and what it does. They've used to hard sell technique to show you all the benefits of the product and how it will benefit the audience, they used presenting such as 'proudly presenting' which helps to sell the product. They have used celebrity endorsement throughout the advert by using Harry Hill for the voice overs, as he is a well known and a related to being funny, which helps the light hearted feel they've tried to create for this ad. This also links the talking fish in as he does a little over voice for it, just as he did for you've been framed which he is a household name for. They have set out the advert with a really good structure to it, the advert started off buy telling you what the product is, it then gives the viewers humour which captures their attention, then tries to sell you the product. When they start presenting the product to the audience they have used really good descriptive words such as 'juicy' which makes you want the product as its almost a mouth watering word.
The advert will appeal to the younger generation as they'll like the talking fish part of the advert, but it will also appeal to the older generation s they will like the benefits being offered by the product, especially parents etc.
A major benefit offered by the product is how healthy and good for you the product is, but also how natural the product is. The slogan for the product is 'Juicy by nature' this is telling you how naturally good the product is for you and possibly your children, as parents want to give the best to their children whilst growing, especially after recent food content scares, people are being more aware of what actually goes into the product we buy, so they could also be benefiting from this fact as they are telling you everything that goes into the product.

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