Tuesday 28 May 2013

Agency websites.

Explain how you can get information about adverts: research agency websites (provide examples)
Its very easy finding advert agency's online, If you just go to your search engine, and just put in 'advert agency', a list of different agency's that produce adverts will be your result, I found the company, Fold7. The website has a really nice layout to it and offers plenty of information on the company, which gives off a really good impression of the company. http://fold7.com/
Some of the company's they work for are Carlsberg, skype, gumtree, Disney, Nike, Ted baker, orange, ministry of sound, British airways, these are all really big company's that have successful advertising campaigns, so after seeing that the company has worked with these brands, you instantly trust the company. The website offers out information's on these adverts, providing a page for each advert they have done recently, such as this advert for Somersby cider http://fold7.com/work/somersby

The page offers information on what the client wanted to include in the advert, what they expected the company to produce, what the company produce for them and the impact the advert had on the public. This is advertising the company whilst producing information for the reader. For example Somersby Cider said that they wanted an advert that would show off the fact they used real apples in their product. They wanted an advert that would suit the UK viewers and would appeal to both male and female, and is full of British charm and humour. I think the company has pulled this off amazingly as the advert is very classic British humour and actually find the advert really entertaining and memorable, as well as finding information about the product out. I personally think this is a great opening advert for the UK audience and will appeal to both genders due to the humour appeal to it. Looking at this advert, I highly rate the company that produced it as it has achieved everything the client asked for and the end result was a very high quality advert.

Another agency I found was advertising company, adam&eveDDB. The company website has a very  stylish website with a very clever layout, also giving you just enough information about the company and what their job role is. Some of the company's that the brand has worked for are John Lewis, Skittles, carte d'or, Google, YouTube, and so on. The website offers information about the connection between the company's, this website doesn't offer as much information about the adverts as the first, meaning the other website was more helpful in the terms of context. The company has produced some brilliant adverts from the lists shown, such as the latest Christmas advert for John Lewis:
This advert had an amazing Christmas feel to it, it was very heart warming which the public really appreciate, especially at that time of year. The advert is really thoughtful and received a great public response. John Lewis have continuously used this brand to create their adverts, which proves that the company is reliable and has quality results as John Lewis pride themselves on the quality of their brand.

Agency's work by asking the client what requirements they have for the website, i.e. what style, content and layout would they want. They company would take into consideration who they want their advert to appeal to and what sort of target audience they have in mind. They then work along side the company to structure the ideas, the agency would produce a few different ideas before the company would pick out something that stood out to them and suited their audience. Once they have a basic idea of what they want to go in the advert, the company will develop on the ideas and produce an advert around the criteria set for them.


Do you like the idea of involving celebrities in adverts of your high street products?
3 people said no
7 people said yes

Has an advert even influenced you into buying a product before?
5 people said yes
5 people said no

Would you prefer an advert which is informational or a humorous advert with irreverent content?
9 people said humorous advert
1 person said informational
What would you say makes an advert memorable?
4 people said something that's funny and will make you watch it
4 people said something that gets your personal interests involved - maybe hobbies, celebs etc
2 people said a well sold product.
Would you say slogans are important in an advert?
6 people said yes
4 people said no


In the Innocent Orange Juice advert, it involves an over voice from famous presenter Harry Hill with a clip of a fish, would you say that this advert is effective in a way that it would catch your attention?
9 - people said yes because it humorous
1- person said no it didn't appeal to them


In the pony advert for the company Three, would you get involved in the social networking hash tags that they have advertised on their advert?

8- people said yes as they enjoyed the advert that much
2- people said no as their twitter is their personal space.

I handed this Questionnaire to 10 people as I felt that this was a good amount of people to get a variation of responses from, giving different views and opinions. The charts helped me get a better understanding of what the audiences really think about adverts and what they expect to see when viewing adverts. There are some opinions I agree on and others no so much, which is good as it shows variation in the responses, its good to get responses as the most important rule for a TV advert is to make it memorable and successful with your target audience, so it shows if they have achieved this or not. I think an important result I got from the questionnaire is the fact the people refer to see a humorous advert rather than a information one and that the best way to get their attention is to use humour or something that they actually personally would be interested in.


Friday 24 May 2013

Standard Occupational Classification.
The Standard Occupational Classification is the name of the system in which people are placed depending on their social class, the classification form is broken down into letters ranging from A-E. When a company is creating their adverts, they will take into consideration social class as it helps choosing the channel its played on and the time it is placed. I.e. if you were going to make an advert for a new perfume for DKNY you may want it played on channels such as E4 around 8pm as that's when programs such as New Girl which would have viewers that would be interested in the product, so the viewing time is relevant to the product. A company would look into primary and secondary research which would help them set a target audience so they could use this to develop an advert on.

Within Standard Occupational Classification, the social classes are separated into classes from A-E

A- A is upper middle class, the upper class would be those in higher managerial, administrative or professional positions such as a court judge.
B- B is middle class, middle class would be those in intermediate managerial, administrative or professional positions, such as a teacher.
C1- C1 is lower middle class, this would be people with average incomes, possibly working in supervisory or junior managerial. Such as a store manager.
C2- C2 is a skilled working class, this would include manual workers such as painters and decorator's.
D- working class, this is semi skilled working class. This could be someone that works as a cleaner.
E- Those who are living at the lowest level of class, people who live off little and claim benefits from the government.

The Galaxy advert-
The galaxy advert is aimed at the Upper class and middle class ( Classes A-B). The brand is well known for being a quality product and for having certain standards for their product, hence their slogan 'why have cotton when you can have silk', which is stating that they're the better brand due to quality purposes. The style of the advert is also really classy, like how they have chosen to use the Classic actress Audrey Hepburn, and involved the classic scene from a movie she was starred in. This creates a whole image of upper class as it all has a quality statement throughout the advert, like how Audrey upgrades from the bus to a car. The fact they have used Audrey Hepburn in the advert also would appeal to the classes as they would or want to lead very similar lifestyles. I think the other classes would also enjoy this advert and chocolate, but it is aimed more to the upper class as the class of the advert itself is very high, also anyone heading towards E class probably wouldn't be able to afford to buy the chocolate as often as the upper class, which is why they're targeting them more. I would say the advert is targeted at females around the age of 30+, as the advert is all about a female eating chocolate is a everyday situation, in which females do tend to eat more chocolate. I would say that is it aimed at the age range of 30+ as these would recognise the actress used and her style would appeal to them. I wouldn't say there is a great deal of ethnicity aim but the actress is British which would more likely appeal to British women as they would be more likely to know of Audrey.

The Pepsi advert would be aimed at the working class to middle class (classes B-D). The brand is well known to be a quality product (rather then your Adsa's own coke) and is known to be a popular supermarket product. I would say that because they have involved Beyonce within their advert, it would appeal to Classes B-D as they would be the kind of people that would listen to Beyonce's music and be fans of hers, these are the kind of people that would idolise her therefore the kind of people that would be interested in the advert. The people in these adverts would be kinds of people that would be drinking fizzy soft drinks on a day to day basic, weather that be at work or home, which is why the advert would be made to appeal for them. The advert would be based mostly on the female audience, as most of her fan base is female orientated so the fact she is used in their advert would draw them in, the advert as also slyly used hints such as the backing track, 'grown woman' so the advert is very female orientated in the fact everything is about females. I think Males will also enjoy the advert purely for the fact they find Beyonce attractive, so this will be an appealing point for them. I would say the target age range is quite wide, around 18-40 years old as this is how wide Beyonces fan base is, I would also say that these are the ages of people that would drink fizzy soft drinks on a daily bases as weather they're students or full time workers, they will constantly be on the go and this product is very useful for this lifestyle on a day to day basis. There isnt really any ethnicity aim but Beyonce is very popular in the UK and would appeal to a wide range of ethnicity's as she is actually a mix of African, Native American and French herstyle so people from similar ethnicitys might support her even more so for this fact.

The Innocent Orange juice advert would be aimed at Upper class to skilled working class (classes A-C2). Innocent's juice is well known for being a high end product, with excellent quality products, but that comes at a price. The advert would be aimed at the Upper class for the product itself, selling itself by its healthy benefits which would appeal to the Upper class, especially those with families. However, I would say it also appeals to all the way down to skilled working class, as they have used Harry Hill to do the over voices in a simular way that he used to present youve been framed, which people from classes B/C/D would have more likely been viewers of. Despite this fact, I think you'd be more likely to find Innocent Juices in the fridges of Class A and Class B's due the cost of the juice. The advert is aimed at both female and male, as it is not directed towards one sex, however I think mum's will probably be the most interested in this advert as they want to provide the best diet they can for their children. For the age range they're quite wide as the younger audience - around 12-20, would be drawn in by the humour of the advert whereas the older audience - 30+ would be interested in the health benefits of the product being shown. There isnt any ethnicity aim in this advert.

The Three advert would be aimed at Middle class to Working class, (classes B-D). The advert would be appealing to these classes as the company is known for their cheap contract deals they offer out therefore would be a price range these classes could be interested in. I would say the style of the advert would appeal to these as its very random and humourous and this kind of thing is all over the social networking sites, which people in these classes are most likely to be users of. I would say that the advert would appeal to both genders as they would both find the advert humourous and cute, catching the attention of both genders. The age range is very wide on this advert as the younger audience 12-20 years, would be interested in the humourous side of the advert, whereas the older audience 20+ would be interested in the company as well as the humour side of things, due to the cheap contracts they have to offer. I would say that there isnt any ethnicity aims in this advert.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

The Advertising Standard Authority.

The Advertising Standards Authority is the UK’s independent regulator of advertising across all media. They give the Advertising Codes, which are written by the Committees of Advertising Practise. At the start of the 60’s, the CAP (Committee of Advertising Practise) was made, they started off Britain’s Code of Advertising Practise. The ASA was set up in 1962 to control the media and advertisements under the new rules and regulations of the codes of practise; this was all for the benefit of the public interest.

I’m now going to look at how the CAP code of practise would relate and affect the 4 chosen adverts that I have looked at.

None of the adverts I have looked at have been actually banned off air so I have looked into way their advert could have or almost are breaking the CAP code of practise and looked into things they would of had to consider when creating these adverts. I have also found a banned adverts from one of the same company's I have looked at.

When looking at adverts and how they could affect children, this is the principle taken in.

Pepsi would have to consider what outfit’s and dance moves Beyonce includes for this advert as anything too suggestive would mean that this advert would only be allowed to be aired after a certain time as it would be classed as too ‘suggestive’ to be aired in the day, which would only be limiting themselves. However I would say that they do mildly get away with how they have displayed Beyonce for this advert as it isn’t going against any of the set rules of the ASA.

Innocent Orange Juice-
Innocent juice’s advert doesn’t appear to have any issues with their advert as they have not involved anything to cause offence or go again the rules of the ASA regarding children.

Galaxy –
Galaxy’s advert would have to take Audrey’s outfit into consideration as they wouldn’t want to put her in a ‘sexy’ look outfit as she did have that ‘dressy’ style to her but this could possibly affect the times the advert could be played which Galaxy wouldn’t want as it’s appealing to a board market. They would also have to consider how Audrey acts around the men and vice versa in the advert, as if there was anything too flirtatious or suggestive in the acting then this would be classed as inappropriate for a younger audience to view. Despite this I would Galaxy has mapped it out cleverly to avoid and overcome issues they could have possibly had with this advert and fits into the ASA’s rules nicely.

Three advert-
Three’s advert doesn’t seem to have any issues related to children in the ASA’s rules and they have not used any content that could possibly cause offence to these rules.
Food, food supplements and associated health or nutrition’s claims.
Pepsi would also have to take into consideration on how they’re displaying their product, as it is a frizzy drink, they wouldn’t be able to lie about the contents of the drink i.e. saying its good for you, when its clearly not as this would be misleading to the public. They can’t say that the drink can benefit you in ways it won’t, such as weight loss etc. In a way Pepsi are doing this but without saying it, as it displays Beyonce getting a ‘kick’ from Pepsi which it probably wouldn’t do like its displaying in the advert, but as they are not up front saying that the drink will do anything for you it does fit under the ASA’s rules.
Innocent orange juice –
When the advert is explaining the benefits of how healthy the juice is and the fact that it uses all natural products to make the juice, they would have to be using only true statements in this part as otherwise they would be going against ASA’s rules. They would not be able to say the juice included nutrients that it doesn’t. They would have to write a script for the advert that involved true statements and facts about the juice so it would pass ASA’s standards.
The brand once produced an advert for their ‘Innocent smoothies’ that was questioned by the ASA as it claimed to be 2 of your 5 a day, once the ASA had looked into this, they soon realised the claim was based on facts so the advert continued to be aired.
 Galaxy –
When the advert is showing the actor – Audrey, eating the chocolate they would have to take into account how much of the chocolate she is eating as they can’t encourage excessive consumption of the chocolate, i.e. they wouldn’t be allowed to show someone eating a whole galaxy bar in a advert (however tempting that might be for the actor) as this would go against the rules of ASA. They have only included a short snippet of Audrey eating the chocolate so therefore this isn’t an issue and would have passed all the ASA’s rules.
Three advert-
As the three advert does not involve any food or drink content during the advert so this would pass all the ASA rules in this part.
Misleading advertising.
Three advert –
The current three advert is perfectly acceptable by the ASA as it isn’t making any claims about prices or products the brand is offering, however in the past they have had an advert banned by the ASA for being ruled as misleading. The advert included information about contracts which feature various pay monthly deals. There was a complaint put in by a customer that said it wasn’t made clear that Three could increase the monthly bill within the time contract. Three has increased its monthly tariffs in the middle of this year, as ASA noticed they hadn’t made this very clear, the ASA informed Three that they need to “ensure that they made any significant terms clear in future.” And that the advert was not too be aired in its current form again.
All of the other 3 adverts I looked into had passed the ASA’s rules for this section and did not offend any of the set conditions. Although Pepsi's advert is questionable as it could be classed as misleading as in the advert it seems that it gives Beyonce loads of energy which could be exaggering on what the drink really could do for you, but I think they get away with this as they havent stated that it does this, its more of a hidden meaning so it has been passed by the ASA.
There is actually only one rule for Competitions under ASA which is - Competitions should be conducted fairly, prizes should be described accurarely and rules should be clear and made known.
However, all of the adverts I have looked into have not included any information about adverts, even though Pepsi is running a competition along side the Beyonce advert to win tickets to see her in tour. Previously in Pepsi’s competitions they have had a problem with ASA as they ran a an on-pack promotion offering consumers the chance to win a £500 cash prize "every hour".
There was a complaint put in by a member of a family that entered 11,000 times and said his family had won several times but Pepsi was responded with the fact only one win would count. He objected to Pepsi’s ruling on the grounds that the restriction was not made clear in the marketing promotion. After the ASA looking into the complaint and Pepsi's terms and condititons, the ASA told Pepsi to ensure all future promotions were run fairly and conditions were made clear in the future. This could be one of the reasons why Pepsi havent aired their Competiton this time.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Pepsi advert

Pepsi advert has a linear structure to it, as there is a start, middle and end. It is also a stand alone advert as they always create different types of adverts to advertise their company, they usually use different celebrities to get involved with their company, but they have produced a vase variety of styles of adverts. The advert starts off with beyonce training and then getting some Pepsi, but after the Pepsi she seems to get a whole new release of energy, and starts to dance again, all of a sudden there are loads of Beyonce's around her and their all from different time periods - different outfits/hair etc-, doing all of her well known dances, such as the famous single ladies dance, in which the Beyonce is wearing the same outfit she wore in the music video. There is a surreal style to this advert as one sip of a drink wouldn't give you that much energy, as shown in the advert, there also wouldn't be ten Beyonce's dancing around at one time. They have used camera and lighting techniques to create this ad, using different angles to capture different movements. They have used sound by using her song Grown woman, which hasn't been officially released yet so its also good advertising for her song. They will have edited editing and special effect to capture all of the beyonces in one shot and also the breaking of the mirror part as they wouldn't of really had broken glass around her so this would have used special effects and edited in but these all have a result of very effective out comes and looks very realistic. The editing done in this advert is very strong and has finished with a brilliant result, the shots are quite fast paced and have combined footage together to get this result. They have used a varitey of angles when filming, this keeps the pace of her dancing up and its constantly cutting across shots and makes it more interesting for the viewer. They have used close ups on certain actions, such as her opening the Pepsi can, this draws attention to the action and the product which is the sole reason for the advert.
The have used both hidden and overt messages in this advert as shes very to the point when she's saying to 'live your life' and 'drink pepsi' etc but the hidden message is that with all of these different Beyonces around, its saying Pepsi has always been her 'pick up' throughout her career and look how far she has come, it almost saying it will help you succeed. Beyonce is very popular in this day and age, and fan will copy things that she does, therefor the company will benefit from this. Its also showing how refreshing the drink is, she gives out a 'ahhh' after drinking some, this is using her expression to sell the drink. People want to be like Beyonce and they have used her well known dance routines in this advert so people want to be able to relate to that. The whole thing is very Beyonce orientated and even the song is very current and well known.
An company that has done a very similar style of celebrity endorsement is H&M for this years summer wear, in their advert they have used Beyonce to advertise their summer collect, again using similar techniques that Pepsi has to involve Beyonce with their brand. Again this advert is very Beyonce orientated, proving the popularity Beyonce has over the general public.

The advert is directed for females as all females love Beyonce and her music, many will idolise her and what she does, they will respect the brand just because she does. It will also apply to males as they will be attracted to her, she is very popular with the younger generation too, her music is always over the charts and she is very current, the public love that. They've also tied in the lyrics with the target audience, being as the song is 'Grown woman' and Pepsi want them too drink it too.
The company's slogan is 'Embrance your past, but live for now' , in a way they're saying 'live for now' and use pepsi to get energy so you can take full advantage of your day. They have picked one of the most popular and idolised celebrities of today to promote their brand, they'll benefit from this a lot.

Innocent orange juice advert

The structure to the advert is linear as it does have a beginning, a middle and an end to it, it has an anti realise narrative to the advert as they have used a talking fish in the advert, which isn't really what your everyday pet does. They have used stop frame animation to get the orange juice look like it comes walking in, it is also a stand alone advert as they release different adverts every time. It starts off by describing and selling the product to you, saying about how good it looks and tastes whilst showing you on screen, it then goes onto the fish - over voiced by harry hill- which brings humour into the advert and then goes back to selling the product again, showing all of the 'pros' of the advert. The fish featured in the advert has no real relevance to the product or company, and is used for entertainment purposes only. They have used the surreal style to create the humorous footage of the fish 'talking'. To create this advert they have used camera techniques such as the frame animation and also used sounds by using over voices and diegetic sounds features throughout the advert, such as the trumpet sound which also adds to the humorous side of things. They haven't used any bedding music or beats to the advert only Harry Hill's over voice.
The message is very overt in this advert as they start off very to the point, of what the product is and what it does. They've used to hard sell technique to show you all the benefits of the product and how it will benefit the audience, they used presenting such as 'proudly presenting' which helps to sell the product. They have used celebrity endorsement throughout the advert by using Harry Hill for the voice overs, as he is a well known and a related to being funny, which helps the light hearted feel they've tried to create for this ad. This also links the talking fish in as he does a little over voice for it, just as he did for you've been framed which he is a household name for. They have set out the advert with a really good structure to it, the advert started off buy telling you what the product is, it then gives the viewers humour which captures their attention, then tries to sell you the product. When they start presenting the product to the audience they have used really good descriptive words such as 'juicy' which makes you want the product as its almost a mouth watering word.
The advert will appeal to the younger generation as they'll like the talking fish part of the advert, but it will also appeal to the older generation s they will like the benefits being offered by the product, especially parents etc.
A major benefit offered by the product is how healthy and good for you the product is, but also how natural the product is. The slogan for the product is 'Juicy by nature' this is telling you how naturally good the product is for you and possibly your children, as parents want to give the best to their children whilst growing, especially after recent food content scares, people are being more aware of what actually goes into the product we buy, so they could also be benefiting from this fact as they are telling you everything that goes into the product.

Galaxy Advert

The galaxy advert is a linear ad as it does have a start, a middle and a end to the advert, its also a realist narrative as it could possibly happen in a real life situation, but its also kind of surreal as you wouldnt actually see Audrey Hepburn due to her passing away. It starts off she is in a broken down bus and not much is really going well for her, she looks at the chocolate, next a guy beconds her into his car, its like she upgrades to an open top car, its like saying the chocolate is supposed to be enjoyed  in the best places as its a treat as she doesnt actually eat the chocolate until she gets into the car. Its classed as a animation due to how its been edited to create this look to it and it is also a stand alone advert as they always have different styles of advert for galaxy. There a humorous kind of feel to the advert as the driver invites her in the car expecting her to sit next to him but she actually takes the bus drivers hat and sits in the back of the car, making him her chauffeur. To create this advert they have used many different camera shots combination with use of lighting and editing to create that 'light/retro' atmosphere it has to it. They used used graphics and special effect to transform a similar looking model, into Audrey Hepburn for the advert, this is very effective and the outcome is a very realist result.
They have used celebrity endorsement - Audrey Hepburn- for this advert, which has created a very glamorous and classic feel to it, as she was a very classy and glamorous woman. This also shows a hidden message behind the advert, the fact that the chocolate is sophisticated. It also gets people thinking about the history of the brand as its got a very 'retro' feel to the advert. The whole advert is very much based around Audrey, the set is very similar to one of a movie that she stared in, the backing song is also one that she sung herself. Dior have previous made a similar advert using celebrity's that have passed away, they used Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly and also Audrey Hepburn too, which is possibly where they got inspiration from.
The target audiacne is definetly aimed at the females, I would say that it is more aimed at older generation as they would know the actress used very well and would know all of the links that they have used during the advert. They also might isolise her, as she is a 'classic' actress, so it would have a very 'I wish I was like Audrey' feel to it, which galaxy is basically saying 'you can be, if you buy our product' in a suttle way.  Females will also love the empowerment she has over the male when she makes him her own chauffeur. The younger audiance will also like it as they will enjoy the retro look it has to it and shes also very young and beautiful in the advert, which will also appeal to them.
The benefits offered of the product in the advert is saying that the product is very glamourous and classy. The unique selling point to this advert is basically saying that they give you better quality to all the other brands of chocolates on the market, which they have based the whole advert around. The slogan is 'Why have cotton, when you can have silk' which says it all really, they're basically saying they're the best on the market.

Three advert - the pony

This advert for the moblie phone company, three, has used a linear structure as there is a begining, a middle and a end to the advert, although really theres no real stucture to whats on screen as its very random. It has an anti-realist narrative to the ad, as its not everyday you walk past a field and see a moonwalking pony! At the moment the advert is a stand alone ad but I think they could possibly develop on the idea if the company wanted and make it into a series. The style of the advert is based all around the humour of the dancing pony and the funny image it creates, its also very surreal which helps create the humourous effect to it. At the end of the advert they have used the slogan 'Silly stuff. It matters.' which is like a conclusion to the advert as it links the whole advert in with the company. They've used natural non-artifical lighting during the advert, showing it gradually turning from the morning into the evening around the pony. For the music they have used a quite well known song byt fleetwood mac, which works really well as it looks like the pony is dancing along to this song. For the Editing and Graphic they have used CGI for this advert, which creates the 'real' look to the pony when its dancing, which is really effective. They've used special effects by computer generating this dancing horse. A advert that has used a similar surreal style throughout their advert is elites, they have used a baby doing the famous 'gangnam style' dance, which ovbiously wouldnt happen in real life which is why it is surreal and humourous, they will have used speical effects in the editing process of this advert to create the moving image of the baby dancing. Here is the advert:

In this advert it starts off as a 'hidden message' as there is no link to any product being advertised, so you could actually cut the start of the advert and use it for any company really, but at the end of the advert it becomes an Overt message as it links the company in with the advert. How they have used the CGI to edit the advert and make it look so quirky, it really catches the publics attention and makes them remember it as it stands out. It also gets the public talking about it, espically on social networks after they created their own personal hashtag for it on the popular site, Twitter. They have probably seen how big social networking has gotten recently and used it to their own advantage in advertising. Also the general public love cute/cool animals, its always on the most viewed bit on youtube's channel so they also might have used this to their advantage too. The advert is promoting the company as a whole rather than a specific phone. They have used the lyrics 'I want to be with you everywhere' this could again link in with the social media side as on smart phones these days you can get access to social networking sites from pretty much anywhere!
I think the target audiance for this advert is actually quite wide as it'll appeal to the younger audiance as they will love the idea of a dancing pony whereas the older audiance will know the music and find the fact that a pony is dancing along to it is quite amusing. It is also targetted at anyone who uses the soical networking sites as thats what they're trying to put across in their message. It'll interest youtubers who are into their 'silly videos/photos'.
People have actually editted the footage and played around with it themselves, creating their own verisons of the dancing pony, this is getting the audiacne involved with the advert and also the company as people will recongise the pony with the company too, helping the companys name get spread over the internet even more so.